Monday, July 29, 2013

New Goal Set

I decided I needed something to get me motivated again.  Bikram Yoga has dropped off (especially after I managed to fall and bruise my knee so badly that I couldn't kneel on it for 2 weeks).  I have probably 2 weeks left so I need to at least go back a few times to feel my money wasn't wasted!  I just don't get excited about going to it though.

So my new goal: The 2013 Yarra Valley Water Grape Run - 13km.  I apparently have 46 days so lets see if I can formulate and stick to a training plan.  

(hopefully I won't be like the people up the back of this picture who don't appear to be running :))

I was good and did a 4.3km run on Saturday, despite the fact that it was freezing.  Ended up finding Jase out walking the dogs so I jogged the last km with my puggle Yoshi (who isn't a very good pacer).  Ended up doing an average of 6'30 pace which I was ok with.  I had a mega-stitch part way through but I did run in the middle of the afternoon and didn't eat/drink in preparation for running.

Plan for this week:

Monday - run (5-6km)
Tuesday - bikram yoga
Wednesday - boxing
Thursday - run (5-6km)
Friday - bikram yoga
* though I might switch Thursday & Friday around depending on how I feel.
Saturday - running club around the Tan
Sunday - relax (if I felt keen I could do a boxing session in the morning)

Might look at some running plans so I can see what distance I should be running

I'd like to be doing 3 sessions of Bikram a week, but find it too annoying to spend 7:30-10 doing yoga (and travel) on the weekend, and they don't have a Monday morning session. I'm sure if I really wanted to do 3 sessions I'd make it happen but at this stage not planning on it.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Stomach bug strikes..

Or something like that. Lost track of weeks a bit.

Last week I was going to go to combat but got home and i was cold, wet and tired thanks to a rainy ride home. Decided I had to do bikram on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday morning woke up feeling a little dodgy. Didn't eat awesomely over the weekend as we were away and ate lots of junk food as places weren't open or too full..l started yoga and felt ill, skipped a lot of positions just trying to get through the class without having to leave. Continued feeling nauseous during the week. Friday headed to dr, who suggested i go home and eat prunes to clean anything bad out of my system. Yeah that made me feel worse. He did however give me a script for nausea tablets yay!

Sunday was a bikram master class so off I went for 3 hrs in a slightly cooler room to be inspired by Luke. Great class and I didn't feel ill during it though needed a few rests as it went for so long.

Monday was debating about going to boxing as that just started up a the gym, but stiffened up during the day and felt headachey. Then ran late leaving work. Made the mistake of drinking wine with dinner.

Tuesday 5:10am up and off to bikram I went. Full timetable now running, still not 100% sure what routine I'm aiming for. I thought I'd try the 4 weekday mornings but was in serious strugglesville during class. Had dry mouth so think I was dehydrated.. Also had sore legs and arms from Sunday! So I didn't do all the sets. Didn't really want to go back ever again (probably a good thing I bought so much time in advance). Had a staminade -way too sugary for so early. Later in the day I alternated between feeling tired and feeling good.  I did feel like I'd had a workout and was good knowing I had completed my workout for the day. Sore though so going to aim to get to the boxing class on Wednesday night.