Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Round 3 - complete

My final weigh in - 3 kg lost since program started back in week 1, 6.1kg lost since pre-season (the 4 weeks prior to the program). My after photo I have less gut and my thighs look better!! Just wish I hadn't lost so much in the butt and chest area. I swim in my jeans now - don't want to have to back to boy jeans :( there are worse problems to have though!!

I'm a little disappointed that I fizzled out around week 7/8. I think hitting my weight target led me to ease off with my commitment to the program but I'm stoked that I've found how to stay at this weight.  I'm not counting calories - just eating mb 12wbt meals during the week with some lunches out with others and weekends largely free. I'm disappointed that I didn't form strong exercise habits (or really do any full weeks of her exercise program). I said that i would commit to the full 12 weeks of the program and i didn't give it 100%. Not that I had bad results but I let the excuses creep back in. I didn't do the fitness test in week 8. I should probably have set some SMART fitness test related goals rather than a general feeling of "I hope I improve by the end" :)
I did my last fitness test by doing the pushups, wall sit, and sit & reach first.  Was feeling a little bummed that my pushups had gone backwards.  I could probably have done more on my knees but ran out of time.  The wall sit I maybe would have done longer if I'd had something to distract me (like someone to talk to!) - I found it a lot easier in week 4 which was when I did it with a group in a park :)  So with that I was keen to see my running improve.  So my 1km was the fastest ever which I'm happy with, and after a short break I ran 7km.  That first km I felt like total strugglesville - and turns out I was running at 5'50" pace which is faster than I usually run by a bit!! I did slow down over the rest of the distance though.

I am stoked that I can now run 9km - it's still a big mental challenge but I definitely have improved my running fitness. I need to do strength training though!  My new short term goal will involve getting those pushups happening! I used to be able to do pushups with a dumbbell row!!

I found the last month of meals to be really uninspiring! I had to push myself to sit down and plan my week from the recipe index and shop accordingly. A lot of meals seemed to be member submitted ones so I felt a little jibbed too (though I didn't go through and count how many there were :)). I should have probably set more exercise goals.

Here's what my 1 & 3 month goals looked like:
Smashed my 1 month goals.  Ran 4km without stopping, and did several group training sessions!
Completed my 3 month goals.  The 3 exercise classes were based on the local gym offering classes which they didn't.  But I did 3 boxing classes at a different gym and definately more than 3 group training sessions. I also ran 8km for my second spring into shape run where I was debating between the 4 and 8, and the third race unless I'm injured by Sunday will be 8km.  Time to revisit my 6 and 12 month goals (as well as set new short term goas).

What I've gained:
- new friends and workout buddies!
- more confidence in being able to "invent" a workout.
- lost weight that I had trouble shifting
- improved running fitness
- more healthy meals to eat during the week
- mindset lessons and exercise plans that I can use going forward to hopefully establish a more fitness oriented routine

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