Friday, August 10, 2012

Say It Out Loud

My commitment is to stick to the 12 week program following Michelle Bridge's healthy eating plan and exercise routine and I am committed to do the work to get me there.

Today's pre season task is to Say it out loud.  To put our goals out there and make the commitment to achieving it. So it seemed a good day to start a new blog about my experience :)

My $199 is paid up, I have found some ladies to workout with at the very least for our Saturday Super Sessions.  I have started getting up a little earlier and doing exercise in the mornings.  I imagine the time commitment is going to seem difficult and I may well find myself needing to get out of bed earlier to do the hour workout I'm supposed to be doing 6 days a week, as well as eating a healthy breakfast and having lunch prepared!  Must keep in mind how nice it is to get home and be free to do whatever I want (without the need to exercise).  Hopefully my brain stops waking me up in the middle of the night.  This morning I reset my alarm to get in theory another 20 minutes of sleep due to lying awake.

I had hoped to go back to the Maidstone Health Club who are still offering their $199 membership but turns out the only class they are running currently is Zumba, and their website advertises their equipment is getting a much needed upgrade in November.  Sucks because it is super close.

Enjoying our work fundraising breakfast this morning it feels like its going to be a major challenge following the food plan for 12 weeks, and I imagine Jase might be left fending for himself a bit more as he probably won't like the meals that I'll be eating - but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised by what I get to eat :)

I've signed up to this 12 week program so I may as well give it everything I have and see where it takes me!

18 days to go...


  1. Jen your new blog is great. I am looking forward to reading it for inspiration. It sounds like you used to be really fit, how long since you were doing all the running/personal training? I've never been fit, but even the little changes in my body I'm noticing from some running is really inspiring. Feeling stronger is awesome. Can't wait to read more.

    1. Thanks penny :) nice to know someone other than me might read my rambles :)

      It's probably been 3 years since I was getting personal training and maybe 6-8 years since I was running. So I have really sunk into laziness!! I sometimes wonder how I found the time but I guess I just made time for it :)

      I hope to get back into running as it seemed to keep me in good shape when I was actuaelly doing it.
