Saturday, August 4, 2012

Take control - set your goal

Pre-season task 2 was about setting SMART goals in 1,3,6 and 12 month blocks. This for me was tricky. I'm awful at setting goals. But was time to identify Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Based goals.

Michelle's example was to run a marathon. Hmm.. ok my 12 month goal will be to run a half marathon which means in six months time I should be running 10km no problem, three months time 5km. How am I going to get there? Well the spring into shape series is a good start. With 4 and 8 km options I'm planning on running 4km in a month's time and hoping to be running 8km in the last race. The second race I'll see how my body responds to training.  I've always had a bit of a dodgy back but it seems worse than normal in the last six months. I think I got a bit over enthusiastic in a kettle bell workout which had me hobbling around for at least a month.

I've also thrown in some goals about participating in group workout sessions and attending group exercise classes.  Turns out my local gym no longer does anything but Zumba until Summer and I don't see myself sticking around later after work to the city gym near work. I have a few kilos to lose but for me its mainly about getting into the habit of eating healthy, working out and toning up!  Gone are the days where I can eat whatever I want whilst sitting on the couch! :(

Hopefully the fitness and eating programs help me get to a good fitness level over the next 12 weeks once pre-season is finished.

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