Thursday, November 28, 2013

Antigravity yoga - progress

Well I'm now on my second four block series. To be honest the last session of the last block - I really struggled in the class and didn't like it much at all. I just wasn't getting what she was demoing. "Just get into the swoosh... Umm nope but everyone else is in it.. How did they get there" But I signed up again to see if I really didn't like it or it was a one off.

The first session of this series I couldn't attend as I was busy, and the second it took me a little while to get used to being upside down again. There were 2 regulars including me and the other guy was recovering from a cold and I had a stiff neck so we followed the basic plan but still got some good stretches.

Tonight was supposed to be a session with 5. 3 newbies and 2 regulars but 3 people paid and then just didn't show. So we got asked what we wanted to do, I said I had moderate energy and the other guy wanted a good stretch so we did a bunch of stretching and slow conditioning moves. It ended up being really quite hard with a lot of time upside down, back bends, core work, and deep stretches. I still feel like the dunce of the class but can laugh at myself when I get tangled up in my hammock. The teacher lets us go at our own pace so if I'm not feeling right with something I just stay at that level whilst they go a little more complex. I've gotten chatting to the other guy who goes every Thursday, found out he has family in Brazil (so I think that's where he's from), he also works in IT and is looking for a volleyball team to play in. Whilst he's usually silent in class he was actually giving me pointers about a move where I had missed we were supposed to stick our knees out. Made a massive difference to what I was attempting.

I still have a mental thing about doing flips, and sometimes I don't trust the hammock will hold me, and there's still times when I'm not keeping up with the advanced moves like everyone else. But given my first session I couldn't even hang upside down without letting go of my hands holding the hammock I feel I've come a long way. I think I enjoyed tonight's class more as there was less things I couldn't do and it still felt like a hard workout. Plus getting more familiar with the teacher and the other regular guy, the familiarity is nice. Will be interesting to see when classes are offered next year as apparently then the classes will either be relax/rehab/restorative or the harder style of class. But if tonight is anything to go by they'd both be challenging. And she gave us a very cute Christmas present of a little glittery mini note book and pen, (for the regulars).

I still think the cocoon part of the class where you're completely in your hammock and she comes and gives you a push so you have a bit of a swing is the highlight though :) 

Was going to take a break from it and try something else but now will see...

Nike + run club - session 2 (for me)

So week 2 and it was 32 degrees. I had decided to try riding my scooter to the run rather than catch a train, but got stuck in peak hour traffic and was pretty hot and bothered by the time I got to federation square. I then got more hot and bothered getting out of motorbike gear. Was pretty tempted to head home but figured I'd gotten this. Just do it - right?!

Checked in my gear, signed in and did a small warmup.

 I'd thought that doing the 10km, 7 min pace sounded pretty cruisy. We took off. This time close to the actual pace time (initially 6:48). Yay!! We stopped for water and the run leader waited for everyone to drink which was ace! Unfortunately my hay fever tablet hadn't cleared my nose and I was feeling seriously parched! To the point where it hurt to swallow. There was also stacks of annoying flys. We continued on and I was just in strugglesville, another km or so and up Anderson st hill and another water stop. We then continued on, further away from the starting point. At the tan one girl decided to head back, I should of but persevered until we got to Fawkner park and the group then headed up another hill. I turned the other way and had more water, deciding to head back. A mix of walking and jogging - completing 7.6km instead of the planned 10km.  But I still felt a sense of achievement for actually going running instead of going home, and persevering despite feeling awful. It just wasn't my night.

Why Nike run club is awesome:
- the run leader looked after the group and ran close to pace. 
- they provide free electrolytes and water, and lolly snakes!
- the meeting area is a really comfy place to stretch and hang out after the race
- there a good variety of distance and pace, I know 2 people found the pace a little too quick so headed back to join a 5km group
- the official nike people are nice and friendly. I had one girl ask how my run went as I was enjoying a drink, being encouraging after I mentioned I'd turned around early and also chatted to an organiser about the group, and the nike app and what I did for a living. It's a big reason for heading back next week.
- I first found it odd initially that they used the same event each week by updating the date, but now realise it's pretty handy having it appear in my calendar each week 

What would add to the awesomeness:
- provide some water before the run started (maybe they did and I missed it)
- maybe find someone to provide fruit. How awesome would watermelon be on a hot summers day!
- form the distance groups a little earlier so there's more of a chance to chat to people we'll be running with
- show a course map (so it's less of a mystery how far to go) - although I've only done 1x5km and 1x10km so maybe that's just repeated each week.
- add a Facebook group people can post to, or a dedicated Instagram account that we can tag in our photos to encourage more people to take photos and spread the word

It's a great way to get out there and run even if you're not quite feeling like it :). Keep up the good work nike people!!

Here's some random shots post run.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

15.6km complete!!

So on Sunday I ran my longest ever distance!

The weather was pretty awful, drizzly and grey.  After I left the carpark at southbank I was freezing!  But thankfully warmed up by the time I got to the start line.  I ended up wearing my long nike epic run tights, a singlet and the event tshirt.  I had brought along a light windbreaker jacket but accidentally left that in the car and I didn't end up needing it.  I also wore a light white cap to keep the rain off my face as that really annoys me whilst running.

In terms of preparation - I had pasta for the 2 nights before the race, I ensured I had had hayfever tablets the day and night before and of the morning.  For breakfast I had a slice of fresh bread with strawberry jam, and a banana smoothie with a scoop of protein.

Before the race

During the race

After the race

I decided to go hardcore on the gels this time which seemed to make a world of difference. I had a gel at the start of the race, 45 mins in, then another one about 30 mins later.  I unfortunately had to stop for a bathroom break on lap 2, but at least I felt hydrated for the race!! :)

Here are some Nike + Running stats

I celebrated with a parma :)

I went home and had a soak in the bath with salts, and also had a bath the next day.  My legs ended up being so sore, especially my calves.  The wet area after the race didn't inspire me to spend much time stretching so I'm sure that didn't help though I did a little bit.  My hips were also really sore - so lots of painful turning during the night in bed!!

My result:

Race 3: 1:46:24.0 Overall Place 176 Age Category Place 33

Given I aimed to run at 7 min/kms I beat that goal and was still going strong at the end.  So I'm happy with how I went!  I feel with more training I could make half marathon distance.

If you'd like to support the health foundation:

I unfortunately didn't achieve my original goal of 2x 15km runs, as the second race followed on from back issues which hampered my training.  However I did run a total of 36.2km over 3 races :)

I'm a big fan of the Spring into Shape series.  It has a great course and is at the right time of year where if I've been lazy over winter I can use it to get back into running.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nike+ run club

Back in the days of Nike town in Bourke street (Melbourne), I used to attend nike running sessions. They were awesome, especially since you got advice on running, got to trial their shoes, and they gave out raffle tickets to win free stuff. I might have won a running belt and two caps (although gave a cap away to my friend who had come along one time). Weekday sessions went from the store and Saturday sessions from the tan.  Then the store closed and my running also largely stopped. Recently I'd seen hints of a "new" running club but the posts I found on Facebook were usually months old that no one was responding to them anymore.  In trying on the new epic run tights (comfiest pants I now own and nice and warm in this awful Melbourne spring we're having) at the Nike Melbourne Central store, I saw a sign in the change rooms to head to the store's Facebook page for details about a running group. Again I found a post from at least a month ago mentioning a venue change.

Here's the pants (taken from their Facebook page)

Eventually a hunt on the internet and I found this guy's blog:

From there I found an old event and the nike running au group. Success!

The facebook event which seems to get shuffled along each week is here:
(if that link stops working from the nike running au page, go to events - it will either be a future or past one for melbourne :))

Thanks to Dean for answering my question on Facebook about whether they ran regardless of the weather and his suggestion to introduce myself when I came along I found the extra motivation I needed to combat the rain that started as soon as I left work and actually attend!  Instead of running from the store they now hire an area of federation square (amphitheatre) with massive numbers of people turning up.

This picture doesn't show a massive amount of people as a lot of us were hiding from the rain

Well organised, you need to sign a release form for new runners or sign a sheet for returning runners and get a run card stamped. After 5 runs you can claim a free nike dry fit tshirt (see above). They're black and awesome!

The front

The Back - so glad people were wearing these for me to spot on the run

You can then leave your bag with them getting an wristband in exchange for safe return of your belongings. There was a warmup (which kind of fizzled as I think too many people were trying to take shelter from the rain), then the run groups were announced and headed off.

This time there were 5 & 10km distances with pace groups of 5, 6 or 7 min Kms. I annoyingly run at 6:30 and thought it would be good to push myself to run at 6. Unfortunately lots of people seemed to be running faster than 6 min km once we got to the tan track which was way too fast for me! 

Here we are momentarily stuck at traffic lights - such a variety of people

Here's my run

Despite dropping back and running solo most of the 5kms, I still always had someone with a nike shirt or wristband in sight. I also was greeted on return and asked by both Dean and my pace runner how I went. So that was nice! Drinks were available as well as lolly snakes. A group stretching session was also held which I'm usually pretty lazy about doing.

I'm a bit sad the Monday runs don't happen anymore as it means I can't make my local boxing class on a Wednesday night but it's a great way to go running with a variety of different people. I hope they can facilitate smaller groups (maybe having 2 run leaders spread themselves out in the group rather than both up the front), and maybe introduce half minute pace groups so that the group actually run at the speed they're supposed to. Maybe the 7 min group would have run fast!! They were short on run leaders for this session though. I've probably found this friendly group just as they go on break for the Christmas period but at least now I know who they are and that they'll be doing training for Run for the kids next year! I'm pretty confident given the weather I wouldn't have run when I got home so this was great to keep training!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 1 wins

My wins for the week:
- not having a coke zero on Thursday when I'd had bugger all sleep and had to pick a lunch (out of a box of items) for my turtle expedition day. Was really tempted for the caffeine but despite being incredibly tired I didn't need caffeine!
- not drinking lots of alcohol at the work annual it BBQ. I stuck with 2 ciders despite alcohol being freely available.
- I did 3 running sessions this week (not to the plan but better than before :))

What I coud do better:
- I didn't eat 12wbt food as I signed up last minute and didn't get a chance to shop. But my meal plan is all set for next week.

So I doubt I'll be following much of the fitness plan for next week but I do have a plan:
Mon - running session (think I'll follow the speed plan), aiming for 7km again
Tues - free yoga/meditation session at lululemon
Wed - try out thenike running club in the city
Thurs - aerial yoga 
Friday - no plans, will check what's on the plan
Saturday - rest day
Sun - 15km fun run


Monday, November 11, 2013

Round 4, day 1

I'm already sore!

So I have a few kgs to lose (again) and really could eat and exercise better than I have been.  This time I'm doing the 10km advanced program - for those who can run 10km but want to go faster. I modified the session a little as it was raining and I didn't want to get my phone out for too long.

I skipped the 5 minute warmup and went straight into the steady jog for 10 mins. Then it was time for running drills (which I couldn't quite remember) but I did 20 knee lifts, 20 glute lifts (on more of an angle),pitter patter steps for 1 minute, slow butt kick walking (not on the program), knee lift stepping (instead of skip steps), I skipped the 3x 50m strides where you're supposed to increase speed progressively. Then onto speed drills. 3x 80% effort x 2 min, followed by 2 min power walking. Then 4x 90% effort x 1 min, followed by 1 min power walk. Though I kinda guessed what effort to run at. I was then supposed to cool down with a 5 minute steady jog. I ran for a little over 10mins. So I covered 7km apart from the running drills bit. Then did heaps of stretching. Hopefully it gets my back feeling better but my leg is a bit achey a few hours on.

I left signing up a little late so I haven't done any shopping yet and didn't plan any of the meals.

Mondays food - fresh bread with Vegemite, half a milo packet with nespresso coffee pod, lunch was 4 steamed dumplings, 3 spring rolls, snacked on a pear, handful of popcorn. Dinner was Pasta bolognese and a slice of mud cake with vanilla ice cream (well I had to taste test the cake I baked). I think I did ok though as I could have eaten more or more fried stuff for lunch. And the mud cake was smaller than I'd typically serve myself! And I ate breakfast which is the first time in awhile.

I didn't sleep well, the only reason I got out of bed when I did was because my bread maker was beeping at me. I also wasn't going to go for the running session when I got home, especially since it was raining but I thought what the hell I'd go for a run. A km or so in and the rain eased up so I figured I'd try doing the proper session.  Different to what I'd usually do and just under 500 kcals burnt.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Spring Into Shape - Race 2, 2013

So I was supposed to be doing the 15km but my back has been playing up since Race 1 and I just haven't been sleeping well or training as a consequence.  The only thing I have been doing is Anti Gravity yoga to see if that helped my back.

So with 1 training run on the Wednesday of 7km (in probably a month) I felt a little more confident about the 10km run on the weekend. Although the day after that training run I could barely walk.  I felt my back release in Anti Gravity on the Thursday night, and although my legs were killing me that night, I was walking pretty much normally on the Friday.  Although I had tight calves and less noticeably tight hamstring.  Friday night I managed to bruise the top of my foot opening the freezer drawer so that too added to my list of issues.

Sunday woke up and felt like crap.  Everything was sore.  Had some fresh bread and jam, and a protein & banana smoothie. Really unmotivated. My running shoes applied annoying pressure to my bruised foot.  Left about 30 minutes later than I had planned but still arrived in plenty of time.  Completely forgot to buy a couple of gels (that I'd also forgotten to buy the day before).

Race time and I spent the first 2km feeling awful but focused on the fact that I always seem to feel awful until I find my stride.  At about 1km I saw an old-frail looking guy running in front of me, so I overtook him thinking that he'd just be pottering along.  At around the 2km mark he caught up to me and we were pretty much running at the same pace of 6:18.  Which is fast for me given I hadn't been training.  So after a little while I was struggling to stay with him.  I think I lost him about 5km in as he took off, but then overtook him as he was walking later on. Around the 6-7km mark I had a massive stitch which I breathed through and thankfully got through.  At about 9km in I was seriously struggling and tempted to have a bit of a recovery walk (due to a slight feeling of nausea).  At this point the guy ran up to me and told me to lift my head up (I hadn't been paying attention to my posture - just trying to shuffle my way to the end). So from then I tried to keep up with him, he got me close to the 9.8km mark when he seemed to falter so I think we were helping each other by the end.  Around the corner from the finish line I picked up the pace and so did he so we finished close to one another.

It was funny as during the race I wondered if he had noticed we'd been running together most of the way.  When I went to thank him after finishing for getting me through the last km he was talking about how I really slowed down at 7km and how I needed to start off at a better pace and keep that same pace.  I mentioned that I'd been running faster than normal to keep up with him earlier and he actually apologised.  Was such a nice man though.  So it reminded me that you can't judge people by their looks.

So race 2 I was about 4 minutes slower than race 1 but I ended up running the whole way (apart from the short water walks), and had done bugger all training, had a sore back, legs and foot!  Now to keep training (and stretching) to finish off the series with a 15km run!

Friday, October 11, 2013

AntiGravity Yoga!

Recently I organised a hen's day for a friend, and the common vote was to go try Anti gravity yoga.

I watched only the one video - so didn't really expect that we'd be hanging upside so soon in the class. I think I expected more standing stuff incorporating the hammock, or flying/seated type stuff.

So first class I struggled being upside down.  Here I am refusing to let go!

Here's my friend, looking a lot more relaxed (and giving the thumbs up)

The handstand thing I could do though!

So I went back a second time and I was definately better about hanging upside down.  This time I wasn't one of the people who weren't allowed to do moves on their own - unlike my first class :)  Although there was one girl the second time who was supposed to wait for her, who tried the lean back, lift your legs up and hook them around the hammock on her own.  Another class person spotted her and yelled something out as she had one leg hooked around the hammock and was hanging very precariously!!

The teacher has to be really patient as its easy to miss a queue and suddenly you realise the teacher is repeating the same information again and again because you've missed out on doing something.  Like supposed to be having your toes a couple of inches off the ground.  Totally thought I'd done that but when I looked they weren't anywhere near the ground :)

One thing I didn't love was how close you are to your neighbour.  The girl to one side of me was doing more advanced stuff so at one stage I had her foot cms away from my face, and I also had a girl directly in front of me.  Thankfully before doing the flying move the teacher moved her over, but I had to be careful with anything where I was stretching forward that she'd already moved forward.  Would have been nice not to worry about it.  But everyone in the class was really nice.

I went along with a slight headache and in agony lower back and leg pain (been getting a sciatica type pain).  Afterwards I kind of felt floaty and tired.  I was really sore in my legs and back and had a headache so had a bath and went to bed.  Today I still have the headache (pretty sure I must have tensed and strained my neck) but the lower back and leg pain is largely gone.  So I'm still debating about going back and booking in for a series of 4 classes.  I really don't want to be in agony after a class, and its hard to tell if I strained my neck doing the shoulder stand (which I don't feel like I'm doing right) or it was a general tensing.  You have enough to worry about in the class without having to remember to not tense up!! :)   I felt good after my first class though so maybe I was just more tense yesterday or trying more stuff.

Location 106 Leicester st Fitzroy 3065, Vibes Fitness.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The week that's been..

So I didn't quite stick to my plan.

Monday: Didn't run.  Walked maybe 1.5 km with the dogs after work before I had to be home for groceries to be delivered.

Tuesday: Didn't sleep so didn't go to Yoga. Had hairdressers appointment after work so sleeping in meant no exercise

Wednesday: Almost talked myself out of boxing, to the point where I was hoping traffic would stay bad enough that I'd miss the class.  But I was only a few minutes late (so might have missed a warmup). Apparently the ladies had a mini celebration when I arrived as that meant there were 4 people in the rotation.  We got 4 rounds each.  First round I think was moving backwards whilst punching, Second round was chasing him whilst trying to throw punches (he got a workout with all his moving), Third round was standing still but he had us ducking, stepping, turning, etc in between doing punches, Fourth round was 3 minutes of alternating high punches, straight punches, repeat.  I stopped twice to roll my shoulders as man they were hurting, and some of the time there wasn't anything to my punch.  But the guy was so enthusiastic when I did hit so I didn't feel too bad :)  So it was dumb that I almost talked myself out of the class as I don't overly feel fit enough for it - but then it's a good workout and the guy is really positive.  I like that he's trying to liken what we do to proper boxing even if it makes it more challenging for me as I'm used to Body Combat type classes :)

Thursday: didn't get out of bed when my alarm went off but I still went out for a run.  Did a pretty average 3.95km at a 7'06" pace.  Don't think I can run without breakfast, unless I was just tired after doing Boxing the night before.  Will see how I go on Saturday.

Friday: Awake from about 3:30am - so I made myself go to bikram as I didn't get back to sleep by 5.  Again I've been talking myself out of bikram.  Seems I've got over a month to go unless the woman told me the wrong thing this morning.  The heat was also less than normal (so was an enjoyable heat although still hot enough to be sweating profusely).  I found my shins and knee were sore - I imagine from my running.  I also struggled with triangle pose - one shoulder was definately stiffer/sorer than the other.  I struggled with keeping my arms up for the whole time but least did the two sets of everything.  I also struggled with balance, although it was especially hard with the person next to me constantly falling over.  It was a nice 4 person class with 1 pro.  I felt bad as she was next to me (in front) so I was hoping she was able to ignore my awful balance :)  So maybe Friday morning bikram classes are a good idea.

Saturday: alarm went off at 6:30am, forced myself up to have a banana smoothie. Went to the tan track for the lululemon running group. It was freezing!! Friend from my Fernwood days was running the group so it was nice to catch up with her. Decided to go in the medium pace group and ended up buddying up with a lady who she had met in port Douglas on a run. This lady turned 50, decided to take up running and in 2 years had run 7 half marathons already with her eyes set on a marathon next year. The end of the run got a bit confusing as I pushed myself up Anderson st hill and saw the rest of the group ahead but they ran off, then did a loop back thing. Despite having being told on the hill to just make it round the corner for some stretching!  I'm not sure I would have made that hill had I not been running at a really cruisy pace. We got a free breakfast which was little bits to eat. Even ate a smoked salmon mini bagel and had a latte no sugar :)  I'm not sure if I'm fast enough for the medium paced group so I'll have to give it another go! I also got chatting to a woman from the Bourke street store. So good way of meeting new people! Completely forgot to start my Nike running app and take my gloves when I left the car.

Sunday: no exercise. So tired as had been out of the house most of Saturday.

Monday, July 29, 2013

New Goal Set

I decided I needed something to get me motivated again.  Bikram Yoga has dropped off (especially after I managed to fall and bruise my knee so badly that I couldn't kneel on it for 2 weeks).  I have probably 2 weeks left so I need to at least go back a few times to feel my money wasn't wasted!  I just don't get excited about going to it though.

So my new goal: The 2013 Yarra Valley Water Grape Run - 13km.  I apparently have 46 days so lets see if I can formulate and stick to a training plan.  

(hopefully I won't be like the people up the back of this picture who don't appear to be running :))

I was good and did a 4.3km run on Saturday, despite the fact that it was freezing.  Ended up finding Jase out walking the dogs so I jogged the last km with my puggle Yoshi (who isn't a very good pacer).  Ended up doing an average of 6'30 pace which I was ok with.  I had a mega-stitch part way through but I did run in the middle of the afternoon and didn't eat/drink in preparation for running.

Plan for this week:

Monday - run (5-6km)
Tuesday - bikram yoga
Wednesday - boxing
Thursday - run (5-6km)
Friday - bikram yoga
* though I might switch Thursday & Friday around depending on how I feel.
Saturday - running club around the Tan
Sunday - relax (if I felt keen I could do a boxing session in the morning)

Might look at some running plans so I can see what distance I should be running

I'd like to be doing 3 sessions of Bikram a week, but find it too annoying to spend 7:30-10 doing yoga (and travel) on the weekend, and they don't have a Monday morning session. I'm sure if I really wanted to do 3 sessions I'd make it happen but at this stage not planning on it.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Stomach bug strikes..

Or something like that. Lost track of weeks a bit.

Last week I was going to go to combat but got home and i was cold, wet and tired thanks to a rainy ride home. Decided I had to do bikram on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday morning woke up feeling a little dodgy. Didn't eat awesomely over the weekend as we were away and ate lots of junk food as places weren't open or too full..l started yoga and felt ill, skipped a lot of positions just trying to get through the class without having to leave. Continued feeling nauseous during the week. Friday headed to dr, who suggested i go home and eat prunes to clean anything bad out of my system. Yeah that made me feel worse. He did however give me a script for nausea tablets yay!

Sunday was a bikram master class so off I went for 3 hrs in a slightly cooler room to be inspired by Luke. Great class and I didn't feel ill during it though needed a few rests as it went for so long.

Monday was debating about going to boxing as that just started up a the gym, but stiffened up during the day and felt headachey. Then ran late leaving work. Made the mistake of drinking wine with dinner.

Tuesday 5:10am up and off to bikram I went. Full timetable now running, still not 100% sure what routine I'm aiming for. I thought I'd try the 4 weekday mornings but was in serious strugglesville during class. Had dry mouth so think I was dehydrated.. Also had sore legs and arms from Sunday! So I didn't do all the sets. Didn't really want to go back ever again (probably a good thing I bought so much time in advance). Had a staminade -way too sugary for so early. Later in the day I alternated between feeling tired and feeling good.  I did feel like I'd had a workout and was good knowing I had completed my workout for the day. Sore though so going to aim to get to the boxing class on Wednesday night.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 5 & 6 (gone downhill)

Monday: went and did bikram, got a little over enthusiastic and strained my lower back ( think I overdid the lumbar workout part on the floor).
Either Wednesday or Thursday I tried going back to yoga but halfway through my back was sore, even though I was taking it super easy.

Long weekend - dogs got walked everyday!

And then no exercise for the rest of the week, unless taking the dogs to Brighton beach dog park counts, I had to keep wandering after bear who twice ran after big dogs into deep water and disappeared before bobbing up and swimming back. Made me super nervous as he is pretty fearless!! At least he could swim though. Yoshi was good and didnt get into any mischief.

New week, trying to get back on track.

Monday: went to body combat but it was a special launch night so they did 30 minute classes, so I got about 20 minutes of combat thanks to previous class running over and 30 minutes of pump. The new pump is either super hard or I'm just super unfit!!

Tuesday: didn't get up for bikram as I went to bed late and didn't sleep well. Also couldn't do a class at night as I had groceries being delivered. At least there's now food in the house.

Wednesday: managed to get up early to get to work in time for me to leave early (ie. needed to be there early). Last minute build breakage and frantically got it fixed (I hope) before dashing off to yoga. New teacher who I didn't really dig, and a noisy mouth breather behind me -  didn't go too hard, but did most things. Went easy on the back bending and lumbar stuff. Also didn't put much effort into triangle pose. My arms felt so tired from Monday nights effort still!

Thursday: pump 6:30pm, found it slightly easier tonight without 30 minutes of combat beforehand, but struggled on the bicep track then ran out of steam on the shoulder and tricep tracks, only rested a couple of times. Had a fill in teacher who didn't correct the new girl in front of me who didn't know good form, so squats, lunges, rows and deadliest all not right technique and then used wide elbows on the tricep track which doesn't isolate the triceps? Hope she goes back next week and I can give her some pointers. Was too hard during the class but I'd helped her set up and kept telling her what weight to try. After class everything is achey!! Legs and arms felt sore/tired during the day I assume from bikram.

Friday: nada
Same I think for the rest of the weekend.. I keep leaving posts in draft mode oops :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 3 & 4 recap

Week 3
Mon: made the 5:30 pm bikram class
Tues: opted for making a roast chicken dinner instead of evening bikram. Had a work conference so couldn't go to the am class.
Wed: went to 7:30 pm bikram class. Best class so far, didn't take any rests! Not sure if it was because there was lots of newcomers to the class or if I was just in the right physical and mental state.
Thursday: went to 6am bikram class. Had a very ordinary class, I think it's too tough to do a late class and then an early class. Was really sleepy for the rest of the day and ate lots of crappy food as I didn't feel like proper breakfast.
Friday: no bikram. Coughing lots though.
Saturday and Sunday: no bikram. Saturday had a birthday party to go to which overlapped with yoga. Saw a 10:20pm movie on Saturday night so was in bed around 1am, couldn't get to sleep for awhile. Woke up early before going back to sleep so was super tired when I woke up at 9:30am so didn't even try to make the 10am class.

Week 4
Mon: made the 5:30 pm bikram class but felt tired during and after class. Took a break in standing head to knee (side) pose as was feeling a bit ill. Had slept awfully.
Tues: didn't go to bikram class - didn't go to bed until 10:30 Monday night and back was really sore.
Wed: 5:30 pm bikram, felt incredibly tired. Was told I was probably lacking in electrolytes, probably true as I hadn't been having them at work. Guess the post workout coconut water wasn't enough.
Thursday: 6am bikram, felt bit better having dosed up on electrolytes, but still stiff! Can't wait until I can just do morning classes.
Friday: no bikram
Saturday: was thinking of doing bikram but decided breakfast appealed more! Hope the new timetable has classes on the weekend before 10am
Sunday: lazy day!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Week 1 & 2 recap

So I've signed up for 3 months of bikram thanks to a new studio opening nearby. 

Week 1 looked like this:

Monday pm: bikram
Tuesday am: bikram (up at 5:10am!!)
Wednesday pm: bikram
Thursday am: up crazy early again for bikram
Friday: rest (no class suited, part relief but part feeling odd :))
Saturday am: bikram, afternoon of arbonne involving nibbles and sparkling Shiraz.
Sunday am: mothers day classic. 8km run at 52mins. Not bad given I can't remember when I last ran. I did walk 1.5 times Anderson st hill, and a little bit of a smaller hill on the 2nd lap but was happy with my effort.

Week 2 not so good:

Monday pm: bikram (jase cooked dinner - yay!). Had sore throat in the morning.
Tuesday: turned off my alarm about 4:45am after waking up at 3am, opting for more sleep instead of yoga. During day nose started running, in the evening spent an hour doing cardio tennis. Think I strained my neck.
Wednesday: sick but went to work. Neck came good overnight thankfully.
Thursday: sick stayed home to rest.
Friday: sick with major headache. Went to dr to be told it was viral, eventually bought mersyndol and felt a lot better after taking one. 1.5km walk to pick up the car with the dogs. Slept heaps.
Saturday am: bikram, lunch out then lots of watching Telly with the dogs.
Sunday am: bikram then ate wayyy too much at a local tapas place!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

12WBT finale! (a bit overdue as I was going to put in photos but its getting super late)

Group Workout time!

So the group workout was held at the stadium at Albert Park Lake.  A few of the girls from the local group headed off to the Timed Run that was happening nearby (and seems to happen before each end of round workout).  I didn't as I figured the day would be long enough as it was and was still nursing a sore back.   It was also FREEZING with spots of rain.

The group workout session included a stage where they were running fitness challenges in groups of 4, mini challenges, the best dressed prize, a coffee stand, sponsor tents, and the group workout.  There seemed to be a distinct lack of food - apart from the protein bars you could buy, and the samples from the George Foreman tent. By 12:30 when we left I was STARVING!!!  Didn't help an insomniac night had meant my plan of having a big breakfast turning into a banana smoothie before racing out the door.

So we checked out the sponsor stands, I liked the protein bars they had, especially the mint and chocolate mini bar.  Though it seemed expensive.  3 bars for $5 (they were tiny, but maybe they were seriously packed full of protein :)).

The fitness challenges were kinda cool.  4 people at a time got given a certain amount of stuff to get through and whoever finished first went through to the final.  This meant that technique went out the window a lot, but it was stuff like plyometric lunge where your back knee had to touch the ground, pushups with lifting hands off the ground (when on the ground), some jump squat/burpee type stuff, situps, knees open hands must touch the ground above your head when you went back.  One girl was so in love with Mish that she hugged her from the side then wouldn't let go.  Mish was funny with it though (as in in a good way), saying she might have to adopt her. For 2 rounds we secured a spot near the stage and it was so nice and warm! So that kind of meant we stuck around there.

I would have liked (now) to have done the mini fitness challenges, and potentially the DEXA scan. This was the first exercise I'd done in about 6 weeks though due to holiday, getting sick with a virus, then a buggered back.

The group workout was fun, hard work. I didn't do all the ground stuff as the ground was wet, but I did some of it.  I also did a lot of the lower impact options but still felt buggered.  Burnt about 600 calories for the hour workout and the 20 minute wait and photo opportunity that followed (forgot to turn off my monitor :)) The photo opp was groups of 10 or more queuing up with people fighting their way to the front to get the group up on stage. We got 2 photos before being ushered off the stage. There was a rush to get prime position next to mish.  Unfortunately no indication was given as to when to look at each camera but in one of the photos I was looking the right way!!

Had my hair and make up done by my friend Natalia one of the original transformer group members. She did an awesome job!! Then home to find stockings, shoes and a handbag! Picked up by Paula and her sister to head to crown palladium. The night was fun. They had buffets of food set up from the time they opened the door, including awesome lamb chops. They had a popcorn maker with no butter or salt so I gave away half my packet. Paula's friend was getting us drinks, taking away our dirty plates and holding drinks and jackets whilst we had photos taken. He rocked!!

There was the official photo wall, green screen where they superimposed mish into the photo, photo booth with props. I missed the presentations as was waiting for our group to get a photo taken, and spent way too long queuing for the green screen photo and enjoying a seat. By the time I went to find other people they had disappeared. Music was good and enjoyed a bit of dancing after the alcohol got cut off. We left about 11 when the music started getting unrecognisable.  So the only thing I'd change was trying to find other people earlier, but I still had a great time even though I didn't catch up with everyone. I also paid little attention to the photos they were projecting so not sure if our group made an appearance or not. Glad I stuck with 1 champagne and 2 red wines. No hangover for me :)

Back to Bikram

So a new Bikram place opened up in Yarraville.

Managed to find them on Facebook before their opening weekend and got one of their opening special packages.  They had an opening weekend with cupcakes and opportunity to win gear - didn't end up making it as the Saturday was 12wbt finale day, and Sunday morning I woke up super early then back to sleep, so by the time my alarm went off to the 10am class I was just too tired and went back to sleep.

Managed to convince a friend to sign up with me although she's only doing the 10 day trial.  It helps knowing someone else would be there, as otherwise I would have postponed starting it.  Although it's hard to chat after class as I'm usually so out of it!!

Day 1 & Day 2 apparently the temperature was lower than it was supposed to be due to building issues.  Still felt really hot. I'm finding it hard to find a good pattern of classes to attend.  At the moment going to a 7:30pm class and the next morning I'm back for a 6:00am class.  Which means I get home at 9:30pm and feel rushed to eat, drink, shower and sleep whilst setting my alarm for 5:10am the next morning. Day 3 the temperature was correct and it really hit you when you walked in the room.  I struggled with the heat and felt a bit dazed at the end of the class (which for me isn't unusual - but the heat was even more of  a challenge during the class).  Day 4 and it seemed to be more like the first few days heat, so whilst I'd like to think I was getting used to the heat I'm thinking that because it wasn't following on from another class that it wasn't as hot as the night before.  Getting used to hearing the commentary of the yoga moves and technique, so that you are reminded on what to focus on even though the teacher isn't doing anything.  Both teachers gave me small corrections too during class so that was helpful.

It's a bizarre kind of class. I tend to get distracted from the heat and don't really feel like I've worked out but my muscles are all really sore. Especially my legs, back, and today shoulders. Plus the more sessions I do, there are some moves which are getting better, and some (like sitting on my knees and feet straight back) I don't feel I'm making any progress at all. Today I had really bad balance, so probably wasn't locking out my standing leg enough.  I also go through waves of mentally being pumped for the class, then hit the point where I don't really want to be in the room any more.  Today I was starving when I got out of class, previously I hadn't felt that hungry.  Reading back on last year's attendance of Bikram it seems I usually felt ill after class.  So was good today that I felt good.  Although straight after the class felt bit crappy and out of it, then had a bit of a high, then back to feeling crappy..

Tomorrow is a day of rest - yippee!! No classes suit when I can go.  Then I think I'll try to attend the 10am class on Saturday morning and no class on Sunday as I'm running in the Mother's Day Classic.  Still have to see if I can fit in a short run on Friday.  I'm not sure what routine I'm going to settle into for Bikram - but for now am trying to go as much as possible and see if it helps my back and improves my strength.

Here's the poses of Bikram Yoga. I find them inspiring but not sure my computer job body will get to that flexibility any time soon :)

The Yarraville Bikram yoga place is here:

It's been interesting going to a new place, as some classes there's almost no one in the front row.  Plus there isn't the culture of don't talk in the room (before and after the session).  So you can pick the new people.  Sometimes its good seeing other people sitting down, but other times it is distracting when people aren't coping with the heat (like last night).  Liking the teachers though :)

Update - so today is my day of rest and I'm pretty sure I need it.  Can't recall how I slept but I dreamt that I woke up and turned off my alarm, then woke up and found that my alarm hadn't gone off yet.  I was really tired and my lower back is a bit twingy.  It already feels odd not to be heading to a bikram class today - maybe I have the bikram bug already??

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Week 12 - lessons

Final Tips - Part 2

4. Get Organised. Plan ahead and predict potential pitfalls.
5. Stick to the program.  Lay down the habits and stick to them.
6. Flex your willpower muscle.  Celebrate your mini wins every day, getting you closer and closer to your goal, and further away from your poor habits.  eg. Eating breakfast, keeping portion size down, doing training and with class.  Your mini wins will add up over time.
7. JFDI.  Listen to your inner adult. Strength of character and earning self respect by toughening up.

Be the best version of yourself that you can be and have fun!

You did it!

- Decide what it is you are telling your body to do.  Eating more than you need / working out.
- What example do you want to set to those who are influenced by you.
- Make yourself proud.
- Live the extraordinary life that you deserve.

week 11 - lessons

Taking stock

- Identify all the Roles you take on in your life
- What goals and aspirations you have for each of the roles in your life
- Create an action plan (intention becomes a plan by giving it a timeframe)
- Write down the actions into your diary (tend to it weekly like a garden)

Before you do this
- Statement to yourself about yourself.  Write yourself a letter that you will open 6 months from now.  Include the things you want to change, and the things you want to have achieved by that time.  You must write the statement in the present tense, as if it has happened.
- Use phrases like "I am a member of the local gym.  I am enjoying my run every morning."
- You cannot use negative phrases "I don't work for my crummy boss anymore, I no longer have an extra 10kg on me"
- Our negative language can define our thoughts
"Present tense and no Negative phrases"
- Put it in an envelope and write the date on it when you are allowed to open it.

Become the best version of yourself.

Final Tips - Part 1

- You can do what you set out to do.
- Don't think of "maintenance mode" as that's something you could slip in and out of.
- If you have to miss a training session, then balance it out with good nutrition or vice versa.
- Keep the habit of weekly weigh ins.
- Don't just plod through the motions, get into it.
- If weight starts creeping up - then go back to keeping a food diary.  Or get back to the program lessons.
- Be the best version of yourself that you can be.  Body, Health, Attitude, Relationship with others, Community.

1. Get support.  Don't expect to do this alone.  Nurture your supporters.
2. Become your own biggest fan. Use confidence boosting language. Believe in yourself.  Recognise your successes. Try looking back. After a win, smile and give yourself a pat on your back.  Be mindful of your inner dialogue keep it positive.
3. Set SMART goals.  Always be working towards something. eg. 1, 3 & 6 month goals.  Keep them clear in your mind, and attach rewards to your goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time based.  a) be specific.  Be crystal clear about where you are going and what you want.
b) cold hard numbers - so you can monitor your progress. eg. weight, clothing sizes, fitness goal PBs.
c) capable of reaching given the time you have available to you and your circumstances
d) understanding what you can achieve (ie. if you're close to your goal weight then it could take longer to lose the last weight)
e) day by day, month by month plan.

Week 10 - lessons

Surviving in the real world

- How badly do you want it? Cost vs consequences
- Are you truly accepting responsibility for your thoughts and actions? Or are you still playing the blame game/victim mentality
- Have a clear goal to work towards.  Successful people know exactly what they want, pretty much all the time
- Self belief & self worth (achievements will boost this)
- Look for the cracks in your everyday choices.  Look for internal justification coming in.  Angel vs
devil on your shoulder
- Why are you using food as fun and spontaneity?  Doesn't use alcohol as a crutch for fun or confidence.
- Watch your weight. When you deviate 2kg from your goal weight - time for the warning bells. Do an audit on your nutrition and exercise.  Time to reign it back in.  Start a food journal, reduce the number of nights you eat out, and drink alcohol.  Or be pedantic about what you order at restaurants.
- Make sure your new habits are supporting and not hindering you
- To deeply ingrain, follow for 2 years


  • We are more powerful than we give ourselves credit for
  • Identify the cracks when they appear
  • Those little decisions you make every day have the biggest impact.

Week 9 - lessons

Tighten Up Tuesdays
- reset your daily routine
- refocus on your goals and snap back into the healthy habits
- wholegrain bread & cereals, no calorie dense food.  Fresh, wholefood options with little processing
- caffeine free, sugar free, artificial sweetner free, alcohol free, chocolate free
- water and herbal tea are your only drink options
- give your exercise 110% today
- no reward or treat, apart from knowing you did a great job
- set your goals, and work out what you need to do to achieve them.  Revisit or update your goals
- get to bed early, and get an extra hour's sleep

Pay Offs and Costs
Answer these questions:
  1. What are your goals. Why did you join or return to the program?
  2. What is the payoff for you if you achieve your goal or goals?
  3. What is the cost to you in order to achieve your goals?
  4. What is your payoff if you don't achieve your goals? (eg. get to sleep in, don't have to exercise, can eat whatever I want, take no accountability)
  5. What is your cost if you don't achieve your goals? (Sickness, lack of energy, angry, depressed, early death)
Which answers are you most fearful of?  Which statements hit you the hardest?

The #5. costs considerably outweigh #3. costs.

Consider the payoffs (2. and 4.)
Answers to #4 seem easy and comfortable?  They will come at a cost, are you willing to pay the costs?

Imagine your life achieving your goal.  Look back with pride, look at what you can do having achieved your goals.  Payoffs for not achieving your goal appear as a rip off (inner teenager). You're an adult with responsibility. At what point are you going to be grown up about your health? This really important part of your life.

Short term payoffs vs the long term costs.

Be clear on what you have to lose.

Week 8 lessons

Support and Sabotage
- don't be a victim and don't play the blame game
- don't let others destroy what you have achieved

Identify your saboteurs
- they see it as something being taken away from them - what are they losing by you gaining?
- stir up their feelings of guilt, frustrations

By you succeeding what are they losing?

Put your intentions on those you are onboard and supporting you all the way.

Support & positivity.  Truly excited by your goals, offer love and encouragement, genuinely want to see you achieve your goals.

Why do we get our back up when people suggest things to avoid?  Self-sabotage.

There will always be saboteurs - its up to you how you react to these people.  Your responsibility is key to what happens next.


You have the ability to respond in any way you choose.  You can respond by giving them power, or by giving you power.

Be true to you.  You don't have to convince others - this can be a drain on your energy.

  1. Have faith in yourself, and your journey.  It's your response that can empower you or dis-empower you.
  2. Identify the intentions of your saboteurs (resentment, or indifference).  
  3. Don' fuel the fire, don't antagonise or try to change their mind.  They're entitled to their opinion and you to yours
  4. Don't be a saboteur to someone else (don't force your beliefs onto someone who doesn't want to know about it, or aren't ready for it).  You can't want it for someone else.
  5. Nurture your supporters.  Your well of inspiration and they will be there when you need them.

Do this program from a place of love not for revenge or out of frustration.

Eating Out
- 1 tablespoon of oil can = 100 calories
- eat like a sparrow
- share plates with people or eat an entree

Rules to follow:
1. never go out starving
2. have your afternoon snack a little later in the day, and is more filling (eg. yoghurt, protein shake)
3. always say no to the bread.
4. where possible view the menu online, and preplan your choices

Better choices
- Italian: never choose pasta, especially a creamy sauce.  choose a thin crust pizza, 50% or more of vegetables, or protein based meal (steamed/grilled rather than oven baked)
- Chinese: go slow on the rice, no on the fried stuff.  Stir fries can be better by be careful on sauces and nuts
- Indian: try sharing a few dishes so some of them contain vegetables.  Be mindful of the bread and rice you eat.  Put everything you plan to eat on your dish at once, and don't go back for more.  You can better guage
- Thai: curry is full of fat.  Green/Red contain coconut cream/milk - is the bad fat. Opt for salad or a soup.
- Ask for mixed vegetables or a salad instead of the roasted vegetables. Sometimes they are deep fried.
- Plate: 25% protein, 25% carbohydrates, 50% vegetables or salads (with minimal sauce/dressings)
- Holidays: have a decent breakfast, choose to have either a light dinner or lunch.  Steamed food is often the best choice.

Week 7 - lessons

Your body is perfect
- your body is perfect.  Amazing machines.  Do exactly as they're told and respond perfectly.
- they respond to what we tell them to do.

The way we think is important.

Looks at how your thinking has got you to where you are today

Don't use the past as an excuse, but use it as a tool for the future.  Bad habits that potentially go back to your childhood.  Let them go.  Understand your past, and make changes in the present - to make a change to your future.

Identify 3 habits you changed as part of the body transformation
- where did this habit stem from, why did I become so attached to it, how can I prevent it from reappearing
- eg. when I'm tired I don't need caffeinated drinks.
- automatically having a glass of wine (1-3 every night), to relax and sugar cravings.  Think about the calories, and sort out your sugar levels.  Feeling great is far more fun
- skipping breakfast

Pick 3 habits you want to change
1. where did it stem from
2. why did I become so attached to it
3. what childlike behaviours have you set up around this habit (but I want it, I deserve it)
4. how do I prevent it from reappearing, or how to shut it down when it appears

Change your behaviour to change your future.

To feel powerful and in control - you have to find your state of mind.

Being the best version of yourself

Thoughts on quitting
- you are not alone
- on the verge of quitting, you are full of potential.  Solid opportunity to behave differently to what they would have normally
- breakdown -> breakthroughs.
- based on being honest, open, and introspective enough to get that breakthrough
- learn something about yourself after having a breakdown
- make a change, and act differently
- take the emotion out of it, and look at what you can do to work around your current situation
- don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others
- you are unique there's nothing to achieve through comparison to others, always setting yourself up for disappointment

You - be the absolute best version of yourself that you can be

Worry about you and your personal best

Celebrate others victories.  Take on other's breakdowns and lessons (ie. learn about you, who you were, and who you are now).  Play on the team, don't stand on the sidelines.

Commit to being the best you can be.  Stay true to your cause.

What are you going to do that makes a difference, that makes you become a better version of yourself. How do you stop the old thoughts from coming back.  I'm not good enough, I don't deserve this.  Self-sabotaging behaviours that have held you back in the past.  Sneaky manipulations to give up.  I'm justified in giving up.  Victim mentality.

Don't blame others, don't compete or compare.  Take full responsibility for our actions and inactions.  Be as strong as you possibly can.

Every day - choose who you are going to be that day.  The better version of yourself. Choose to eat the correct portion of nutrition.  Choose to exercise.  Choose them from a place of love and respect to yourself.  Keep making the same choices every day, consistently.

Stop the self-limiting language and beliefs.  Stop saying negative things about yourself.  Say the exact opposite. "They're having some - why can't I?"  Grow up.  Acknowledgement.  Look at times in the past where you have set yourself up for failure.  Recognise the warning signs.  Victim mentality.  Put into place some techniques to stop it.  Visualise a stop sign, walk away from the situation, forward think it, how am I going to feel in an hours time, maybe blow off steam in a training session.

Do things differently.

Sabotaging behaviours just isn't on.  Stop comparing, use positive language (internally & externally) - your journey will become easier.

Live your life a better version of yourself.

Week 6 - lessons


Facing the thoughts and issues that you may have been hiding from.  Instead of resisting them, embrace them.  Acceptance.  Acknowledge the things you can't change.

Resistance or denial go hand in hand with negativity (thoughts and emotions).

Achieving positive changes seems overwhelming.

If you don't like something - change it.
If you can't change it, then change the way you think about it.

In our emotional state - we can go completely in the wrong direction.  Once you can accept where you're at, put logic into it rather than emotion - then you can move forward.

List 5 things you love about yourself.

Week 5 - lessons

Self Sabotage

Self sabotage vs lack of pre-empting or poor planning.

Self sabotage is unthinkingly doing something to punish yourself.  Ugly internal dialect.  You don't deserve it, you're not good enough.  This is different to being disorganised.

Honest realisation is the first step.

Tasks that we are most resistant to completing - these are the ones we learn the biggest lessons from.

You either continue down the same path - or you make changes.  The choices you make have implications attached to them.  A certain size, fitness level.  Choose to do something about your health, fitness, size and go about what you need to - to change it.

Don't say you will if you no you probably won't.  Be honest.  Free yourself from the torment - go one way or the other.  Do it with love.  Freely decide which way you want to go.

Injury and Exercise

Sedentary activity is like plaque on your teeth.  You got to work on it, keep chipping away from it - otherwise leads to back pain.

1. Start small, and work towards it.
2. Warm up and cool down properly
3. Seek advice.  If you're not sure - ask a question.

Running tips:
- shoes
- surface
- style

Foam rollers are good for "niggles" - improving blood flow. Speed up recovery.

Make sure you stretch - to improve flexiiblity.  Dynamic before and static after.

Week 4 - lessons

Blame Game

Stop being a victim and a blamer.  "It's not fair, its not my fault..."

Lurking behind each excuse is the real issue.

Deal with the issues - this takes work.

Organisation, flexibility...

Victims/Blamers are giving all their power to others.  Take it back.  You don't want to feel helpless.

Look at the areas of your life where there is blaming going on.

Be in control of yourself.  Look at the logic behind the results, rather than the emotion.

Remain calm, and in control.

Write down all the excuses - identify the blaming/victimisation that is going on.  Identify when you are giving away your power and control.

Clear the blamer/victim talk, and remove the roadblocks.  Get back in the drivers seat of your life.

Emotions and Willpower

Where there is expectation, disappointment can often follow.

Extreme good or bad scenarios - extreme way to live.  Emotions are like the waves of an ocean.  They rise and they fall.  Ride the wave, knowing that it will eventually be back up.

Often we try to rid or supress our negative emotions - which isn't very helpful in the long term.  Be ok about sometimes feeling bad. The more you try to block it out, the bigger it gets.  There will always be emotions and craving.

Recognise and accept your emotions - know you don't have to eat to make it pass, or try to make it pass.  It will eventually subside.  Accept that its there and try not to suppress or get rid of it.  The less troublesome it will be.

Understand the outcomes before they occur.

Instead of eating something to feel better, go for a run.

Willpower muscle.  Train it to get stronger.  Take back your power.  It will weaken if you stop your training. But you could potentially weaken your willpower too.  Overuse is bad.  Make your new habits - habits, instead of draw on your willpower.  Be consistent.

Gift of health and fitness - that you give yourself.  You have to nurture it every day.  Don't let the treats slowly sneak back in.

Be consistent and lay down habits.  Make it automatic reflex instead of having the flex your willpower muscle.

1. Let go of the good/bad conversation.  Become more aware of the meaning/emotion you are attaching  to your thoughts.  Look at what the reality is.  Fact vs fiction.  Labelling your thoughts as good and bad.  Get bogged down in the story of it all.  Stop passing judgement.

2. Remember the wave of emotions.  They will rise and fall.  Ride the wave instead of fighting it.

3. Flex that willpower muscle, so that whilst riding the wave, you don't fall off the surfboard.

Get your mind sorted, and your body will follow.

Week 3 - lessons

Motivation Myth

Like a bad boyfriend - never there when you need it.

Motivation is like any emotion.  It comes and it goes. It's an easy excuse.

People who don't do well:
All or nothing, On or Off, relying on emotion.

Consistency is the key.  Be consistent and you will achieve.

Don't think, just do.  Take the emotion out of it, and go into robot mode.  Just get on with the task.

Tools for this:
1. Flex your willpower muscle.  The more you use it, the stronger it gets.
2. Don't think.  Just do the action.  Don't start negotiation, playing games.. recognise the internal conversation/debate that goes on.  "Don't think, just do"
3. The 10 minute rule.  I'm going to do 10 minutes of training, and if I really don't want to continue I'll stop.  Usually once you get going, you'll keep going.
4. JFDI. Stop the paralysis by analysis.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Totally sick of being sick!

After getting back from 2 weeks away I got sick.  I'm in week 3 of being sick and totally over it.  I tried lots of vitamins, rest, went and got antibiotics in week 2 and that didn't seem to make any difference.  Have had 2 weekends of doing bugger all and it's really boring!  I've still tried to keep up with walking the dogs but that  fell by the wayside for the past few days.

With only 3 weeks left of the Round I had been hoping to really get stuck into the exercise but at the moment I'm struggling to do much at all :( 

With feeling crappy I let myself eat crappy food. Lots of chocolate, a lunch of cheesy pasta and chocolate milk, and back to eating ice creams or ice cream and ice magic. With a wedding to go to in just over a week - time to stop eating the junk!

Will save off the workouts and get started again once I can shake off this virus.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 4 - started off good!

So I'm a bit behind this week.  Didn't get washing, grocery shopping, food planning done over the weekend. I was going to order internet groceries but I'm not sure what night I'd be home to accept a delivery so at this stage hoping to hit up the market on Tuesday and make do with what meat is in the freezer.

Chobani strawberry yoghurt (the smaller size tub)
Boiled Egg
Quakers Nut Bar
Leftover chicken and mushroom stirfry with vermicelli noodles.
8 Grapes
Peppermint Tea

Body Combat 7:30PM
OMG Why does this guy keep focusing on shoulders lol. I really struggle with all the cardio - I think he's doing a really customised version of a body combat program so it seems pretty hardcore - all high energy stuff.  Unless I've forgotten what classes used to be like :)

Belvita Breakfast Biscuits
Small Mocha
Uncle Toby's Oat Slice bar
Leftover pasta bolognese
Chobani passionfruit yoghurt

I managed to say no to the 4 easter eggs put down on my desk though :)

Boxing in the park 6:30 PM
(managed to do an ad hoc workout based on a bunch of printed out workouts after meeting ran late - glad we didn't cancel). Maybe only 243 calories burnt but we got a really good arm/shoulder workout.

Dinner was Asian style turkey rissoles and noodles.  I thought it was yummy.  Turkey mince, zucchini, onion, garlic, oyster sauce, rolled in breadcrumbs and served with noodles and bok choy.  Jase thought it just tasted like meat and noodles.. so he gave it the thumbs down.
Was bad and had a mars bar ice cream.  I would have been happy with a bite, maybe, but I got a whole one and I ate it.  Tasted so good.


Morning: Go for another run
(didn't happen - slept terribly and woke up with a headache)

Chobani strawberry yoghurt
6 grapes
Quakers chewy oats bar
Leftover Asian style rissoles and noodles

Pretty much melted on the way home on the scooter so didn't go for a run.

Chicken and vegetable stir fry with rice vermicelli and hoisin sauce.
Mars bar ice cream.


Was going to go for a run this morning but late Wednesday night managed to trip over the cat stand and stub my little toe really badly drawing blood!  So hobbling at the moment.

Someone had been given a sample pack of cereal at the station so I grabbed that and had breakfast - woohoo!! Was actually really tasty once you got past how odd the bits looked.

I think Quakers bar (chewy oats)
Uncle Tobys Apple bar
Chobani passionfruit yoghurt
Pasta bolognese with high fibre pasta
Jam donut from the market truck (was a not very good excuse for getting outside briefly as had a lunchtime meeting)

Pho evening with Alison - glass of sparkling moscato, 1 bowl spicy beef stew with white roll, 1 combo chicken & beef pho, 1 bowl chicken pho, 1 drink with coconut milk and jelly stuff.


Chobani strawberry yoghurt
Mini chocolate croissant, Mini muffin with sultanas
Chucked out my chicken stir fry lunch as it tasted really blegh from the microwave
Ate a spicey lamb borek, and got a raspberry ripe smoothie
Mars Bar ice cream

Planned Pilates 6:30PM
I was so hot and bothered by the time I got home - that I just sat in air conditioned comfort. For dinner we ended up going to a winery - and were their only customers (as everyone had finished).  But they were nice enough to keep the kitchen open for us and kept coming over the chat and share their life story.  Ate too much:

- Tasting plate full of things like arancini balls, spinach balls, meatball, oyster, eggplant, potato ball.. tasty but was pretty full after this
- entree sized pasta which was chicken and cheese filled big kinda ravioli type things (can't recall the name of them)
- glass of sparkling moscato


Corn Cakes with Salsa
Half of a hawaiian pizza from Gusto
Glass of pinot noir I think
Leftover bolognese that I found in the freezer
1 piece of garlic bread



Run 10km - as part of the grand prix run, I really enjoyed it as the crowd spread out so you had your space to run it, but it was super hot with 33 I think forecast.  We ran at 9am and by 5km I was really tired and had a stitch.  By 7km I'd gotten rid of my stitch but was doing walking stints.  So glad they had water stations every km it seemed.  I used them to try to cool down for the second half of the race.  From the water station after the 9km mark I got running again, but at a slow pace.  I had a couple of people pass me and I decided not to contend, but then I got closer to the finish line and had a couple of spectators support me with comments like "awesome effort" and I got the lift I needed to stretch out my legs and pick up the pace.  I think I was running a 3:15 pace over the finish line, and overtook about 4 people - so I'm happy about that.  Overall I got 1:02:15 which I was a little bummed about - wanting to do it in an hour, but I hadn't run for a week and had only done 2 training runs of that distance before that so I can't really complain :)

Food wise:
Banana smoothie with almond milk
Gatorade x a few
Small pack of assorted jelly beans (from the fun run)
Mushroom Omelette on wholegrain toast (only ate half the toast)
Chocolate milkshake
Coconut water
1/3 Pringles can (by this stage I had a killer headache -ttotm)

Dinner was out at Bok Choy Tang - atmosphere was a casual family restaurant so wasn't really to our liking

2 x duck spring rolls
Some sechzuan chicken
1 piece x beijing duck (like peking duck but different sauce)
Some grilled garlic king prawns
Special Fried Rice
Deep Fried Flaming Ice Cream
Glass of Pinot Noir

Long weekend and my eating didn't really improve.


Breakfast bun (with bacon, tomato, avocado, fried egg)
Burrito Bowl with Spicy Pork slow cooked meat, black beans, guacamole, cheese, salsa and white rice
Powerade (still had a headache)

As the burrito bowl was at like 4:30pm I didn't really feel like dinner.  I was going to go to Body Combat once I heard it was still on, but checked at the last minute and it had been cancelled :(  Was bad and bought a take home pint of ben & jerrys so I had half of that for dinner. :)

Time to get back on the healthy eating wagon.... and I still haven't caught up on the videos from the site.  Time spent in front of the computer at home last week was trying to decide on the last details of our holiday... but I need to sit down and catch up.