Thursday, September 20, 2012

Back to my goals!

"My commitment is to stick to the 12 week program following Michelle Bridge's healthy eating plan and exercise routine and I am committed to do the work to get me there."

It's time to get back on track! With my weight-loss so far I can feel it weakening my resolve to follow the program. I'm close to what I wanted to weigh so I've started making portions a bit bigger, having not so healthy snacks. Worst of all I haven't done the exercise program this week. Its bad as I had a really good run at the fun run on Sunday and felt like I was improving! I'm not sure where that enthusiasm went!

Monday - didn't check my alarm, slept in. Didn't exercise after work as I had two dinners to prepare (Monday and Tuesday night).

Tuesday - did a walk/jog with the puppy "tick". No cardio circuit though.

Wednesday - slept awfully. Woke up feeling meh. Got up but then went back to bed. Figured I'd work out at my boxing class. Mid afternoon headache formed so I chatted to my boxing buddy and decided to take the night off. Got home and did my measurements and fitness test so small tick.

Thursday - again alarm not set. Slept in until way late. Got home and relaxed.

So the plan is Friday morning - do run OR a yoga video. If I do a yoga video then Saturday morning I should run pre SSS. Though we're trying to buy a car which might come through tomorrow and need to be picked up Saturday. Which might throw a spanner in the works.

I think maybe because I'm not committing to the workout - I'm leaving myself the choice that it becomes "I'll do it if I feel like it". If I had a home gym I'd do the lean and strong program but I don't and I don't see at home variations for some of them. So I should just suck it up and keep going with the intermediate. I don't even think I've done a full week of circuits. My "adapting" to make it suit me I think is limiting what I could be doing.

Next week I commit to getting back on board with food and exercise. 8 weeks left so let's do it properly!!


  1. Jen, best thing you can do is buy Michelle's dvd's if you are stuck and smash them out. There are home workout options for each program and you need limited gear because I do them if I don't go for a run.

    Key thing here is to JFDI and get into robot mode as Michelle says. No excuses otherwise we all get in a rut.

    Hope you get back on track, now is the time to get back on the horse to continue the change you have started.

    1. Thanks heaps for the comment. To be honest I have her 3 pack and don't love her DVDs. Maybe because it seems like you need equipment I don't have or space in your lounge room which I don't have. I think I really need to start double checking my early alarm is set as I find myself stuck in the kitchen when I get home and unlikely to work out at night.

      But yeah I need to kick the excuses :)

      Good thing is I ended the week better than I started. Friday did a 6.5km run before work, Saturday did 2 different group workouts and burnt 967 calories. Have switched to the advanced lean and strong for this week as I'm happy with the weight so will hopefully keep it up :)

      Thanks for your encouragement!
